How to Increase Customer Engagements & Views Count by Using Memes ?
How to Increase Customer Engagements & Views Count by Using Memes ? Marketing content is constantly taking different shapes and forms:
One month, short-form content is king, and the next, it’s long-form content.
The month after that might be video.
And meme marketing is no exception.
A dynamic strategy that’s been sweeping through social media platforms, this snazzy new marketing tactic provides businesses with a new approach to foster growth and establish connections.
Let’s dive in to see how it can turbocharge your audience growth.
In its essence, a meme represents a contemporary manifestation of shared inside jokes in the virtual sphere.
Keep in mind that meme marketing also comes with risks.
Using a meme incorrectly or insincerely can backfire, leading to negative publicity.
Attention to the Marketing Millennials
For that, we’d have to turn our attention to the Marketing Millennials, who have done a really solid job at wielding memes to grow their audience.
The Marketing Millennials serves as a vivid benchmark, as their consistent meme generation strategy has helped them achieve hundreds of comments and thousands of likes on their posts:
The thing about meme marketing that makes it effective is its organic nature and home-brewed feel.
Every meme contains a relatable thought or idea, and every meme allows people to understand the mind behind it. And when a particular meme hits the nail on the head with the intended audience,
it can create cascades of interactions:
Encountering a meme that triggers genuine laughter or a sense of connection has become a shared experience in the digital age.
Every meme conveys a relatable thought or idea, and every meme helps people grasp the mind behind it.
These things are all destined to repeat themselves in due time.
But for right now, we’re noticing that memes are the cool kid on campus.
Meme marketing with
Meme marketing capitalizes on this cultural phenomenon to connect with audiences on a more relatable level.
To explain the transmission of ideas through imitation and modification, evolutionary scientist Richard Dawkins coined the term “meme” in 1976. They commonly take the form of a GIF or a static graphic that mimics a trending idea, term,
or phenomenon, and they sometimes contain text superimposed on or over the image.
With the right kind of attention-grabbing memes, you can build brand loyalty, expand your customer base, and even break into other markets to achieve similar goals.
Modern online communities are ideal vectors for spreading these inherited cultural traits.
If a message is particularly well-received, it can quickly spread around the world.
Creating a Relationship with Memes
The jab-jab-jab-right hook strategy, popularized by Gary Vaynerchuk, emphasizes delivering value before asking for something in return:
In boxing terms, the “jabs” are the consistent value-driven content pieces that engage and nurture
the audience, while the “right hook” is the clear and compelling call to action.
The Right Hook: After a series of “jabs” with value-driven memes, the brand can then introduce a “right hook” – a clear call to action, whether it’s promoting a product, announcing a sale or any other direct promotional content.
Given the relationship built through the jabs, the audience is more likely to respond positively to this direct approach.
Curate Your Memes and Don’t Veer off the Path
The quest for impactful memes requires you to be a vigilant “meme dealer.”
Just as Elon Musk proclaims himself, scouring platforms like Reddit, Twitter and Instagram is your mission.
Seek out the gems that resonate with your industry’s pulse, the ones that evoke laughter and engagement.
It can be very tempting to see memes in other verticals that are just raking in the comments and likes
and feel like you want a piece of the action by either sharing it or posting something similar.
But it can be a trap if you’re not exceedingly cautious about it.
Meme selection must be laser-focused on your industry and niche.
Posting irrelevant memes might gain you followers, but they could be a mismatch with your regular content.
So it’s crucial that you maintain a thematic alignment between your memes and the industry you serve in tandem with providing a lighthearted allegory to things related to your industry.
Meme Marketing
Attempting to please everyone will result in a lacklustre response.
Most people seem to believe that meme marketing will be successful exclusively for brands targeting
the Millennial and Gen Z generations, who are the most active internet users.
Memes, however, aren’t just for youngsters, according to statistics.
Memes are shared by around 75% of people aged 13 to 36, with 55% doing so weekly and 30% doing so daily.
As a result, it is critical that the memes’ content be both intellectual and humorous.
A viral meme can exponentially increase a brand’s visibility and attract new followers.
Emotional Connection: Humor elicits positive emotions, and positive emotions are powerful motivators for engagement.
When users associate positive feelings with a brand, they are more likely to engage with its content.
The more aligned the meme is with their preferences, the more likely it is to resonate.
Stay Current: Memes often play on current events and trending topics.
Staying updated on what’s happening worldwide and your industry can help you create timely and relevant memes.
Striking the right balance between humor and brand consistency is essential.
Test and Iterate: Not every meme will be a hit, and that’s okay.
Experiment with different styles and themes, and use analytics to understand what works best with your audience.
Brand Recall: One of the main benefits of employing memes is the increased reach that can be obtained.
Most people can relate to memes, and when hashtags are used well, they may spread quickly and widely.
Meme content
Meme content, in particular, is much more shareable than advertisements and can therefore help you expand your brand’s reach.
Memes have a significant impact on memory recall because people tend to retain information only
if it is either really important or particularly interesting.
Even if not all of the users who enjoy your memes end up being clients, they will still think
about your brand and check out what you have to offer.
In addition, memes are a great way to increase your social media following as well as your engagement (likes, shares, comments, and brand recall).
If a service or product is occasionally tied to a meme, it’s possible that users won’t mind.
Keeping a level head is essential.
Why should you avoid using memes for product selling?
Consumers in the digital era tend to shun advertising and promotional content,
as evidenced by the dramatic fall in click-through rates and conversion rates in digital advertising.
Marketers face challenges in getting their messages seen by customers.
Previous studies have shown that consumers typically ignore commercials by clicking away or skipping them entirely.
Although millennials are known to avoid commercial and sponsored material, 84% of them are swayed by user-generated content like memes posted on company websites.
Make sure you incorporate trendy memes to boost your chances of becoming viral.
Using memes that have reached their peak popularity will make your brand look dated and uninformed, which can have a catastrophic effect on your business.
Moreover, forced memes or direct product advertising memes do not inspire tagging or sharing among audiences and are frequently ignored.
There is a fine line between being relevant to your business and pushing too hard.
If your content does not correspond with your consumers’ existing knowledge and expectations of your brand, you may even lose followers.
Memes are about making your brand unforgettable so that your audience remembers you, participates with your content, and ultimately maintains track of your social media.
If you sell your product directly through this medium, you will never develop a feeling of community among your target audience.
The audience will simply not care enough to buy or engage with your brand because it will be of no interest to them, and your brand will be just like any other commercial.
Therefore, it is important to use memes effectively.